Friday, July 5, 2013



Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
Hi! I'm new here.. :)
I'm taking Diploma in Food Technology at UiTM Kuala Pilah..
Yes! That so-called green campus.. :) *wink-wink
The campus that surrounded by green trees, chirping birds and morning mist..
Such a wonderful campus.. Seriously!
So to every one out there, Kuala Pilah is not that bad actually..

I'm a food lover..
I love to eat all kind of food as long as it is 'halal' to Muslims.. :)
All of my friends and family keep saying that even I love to eat, I am never getting fat..
Well, I think it have been fated that I am going to be in that way..
Alhamdulillah.. :)
With so many food around us all the time, we can be so tempted every time of a day!
Be it raw, home cooked,  cafe or street food, it is undeniable that the food industry is getting bigger each day..
Food nowadays are often of fusion type and getting some real authentic dishes requires some extra effort..
However as Muslims, we must first check the halal status of the food we are about to indulge..
Then, we should try to avoid some food that are halal but may be bad for our health..
Or, show our love to Prophet Muhammad SAW by following his Sunnahs in eating!

I think thats a good ideas!
Lets follow our lovely Prophet's Sunnahs.. :)

1. Rasulullah SAW did not drink milk while he ate beef, chicken or fish..

Nabi Muhammad SAW once cautioned his companions as not to mix fish and milk in a dish. This fact is actually proven by science where it was found that chicken contains positive ions while seafood or fish contains negative ions. When these two ions meet, they will create a biochemical reaction which can lead to stomach pain or ulcers. 

2. Rasulullah SAW forbided drinking milk with vinegar.. 

Vinegar is acidic and slows down the rate of protein absorption in the intestines. Body growth can be stunt because of lack of protein. 

3. Avoid eating acidic fruits with milk.. 

For example, oranges or lemons. This is just the same as drinking milk with vinegar.

4. Rasulullah SAW ate fruits before having meals..

Eat fruits at least half an hour before we have heavy meals. Fruits naturally are high in fibre. When we eat fruits before our meals, automatically our stomach will be full with fibre. Thus, we eat less rice or grains, which if are not burned later will transform into fat.


5. Rasulullah SAW loved to eat cereals or grains such as Habbatus Sawda, barley and oats..

"Al-Habbah Al-Sawda' is the cure for every disease except death."

Dietry based on cereals and grains are nutritious because they are high in phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are powerful antioxidants that increase the body's defense against viruses, good for the heart, prevents diabetes and obesity.

Al-Hakam bin Uyainah said :
"Rasulullah SAW won't sleep at night except after he has eaten Habbatus Sawda and honey. That is his practice every morning for energy, memorisation and to prevent asthma."


6. Rasulullah SAW eat bread of whole grain wheat..

Whole grain wheat is different from processed wheat as it has a higher absorption rate of protein, fibre and a high volume of vitamin E which reduces risks of heart related diseases and cholestrol level in the body.

In a riwayat by Abu Daud, Yusuf bin Abdullah bin Salam ra,
"I saw Rasulullah SAW took a piece of whole grain bread and he put a date on it, then he ate it."

In a riwayat by Bukhari and Muslim, Aisyah ra said,
"The Prophet's family was never satiate themselves by eating wholegrain bread two days in a row. In days where they can't obtain bread, they ate dates."

7. Dates.. 

Famously synonym with the Arabs, dates are very good for the human health. Their high fibre content and low in fat as well as many other nutrients are well loved by people for its sweet and creamy taste. Dates are considered super food because they contain carbohydrate, protein, fibre, fat and iron (which is very rare in a fruit).

Bukhari and Muslim reported that Aisyah ra said,
"Sometimes the stove in our house doesn't smoke for a month (they did not cook anything). All that we had were dates, water and other people gave us beef."

8. Rasulullah SAW also eat other fruits such as watermelon.. 

Abu Daud and Tarmizi reported that Aisyah ra once said,
"Rasulullah ate watermelon with rattab (wet dates)."

Watermelon contains 92 percent water and 8 percent sugar as well as antioxidants. The antioxidants or specifically, lycopene are proven by researchers can prevent cancer.


9. Rasulullah SAW loved cucumber.. 

Cucumbers are water rich, making it a great body coolant. Besides, they are rich in vitamin C which are good for our skin and also contains silica. Silica is an important element to maintain the wellness of our tendons, ligaments and bones.

10. Rasulullah SAW drank plenty of water.. 

He drank slowly, while holding the glass with his right hand. He also forbids breathing in or exhaling out from the water. Drink water before having meals. If possible, avoid drinking while eating to smoothen the digestion process.

I think that's all for my first post..
Perhaps all of us can practise this tips..
and In Shaa Allah you will stay healthy..


  1. huwaaaa...pndai eah bwat blog. creatif. kah99
    anyway .. nice 1 blog. seronok bace..hehe

    1. eyp..
      em,nie bl0g utk CSC ar..
      ade markah k0t..
      s0 kne ar buat cantik-2..
      hehe.. :)


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